Learn More About the New $4 Billion Subway Station in NYC

Learn More About the New $4 Billion Subway Station in NYC


The other day I went with Juliana to check the new train station that opened in downtown, next to the National September 11 Memorial, where the Twin Towers were located (World Trade Center). Even though you will find happy tourists taking selfies and locals paying a visit to check the place, a lot of people out there aren’t happy with the large amount of public money spent to build it, about $ 4 billion, twice the amount spent on Grand Central and turning it into “the world’s most expensive train station.” The Spanish architect Santiago Calatrava had designed the terminal to evoke a bird taking flight and the station was handed over to the city unfinished, with seven years of delay and costing more than expected. Unfortunately several factors contributed to the delay (hurricane Sandy was one of them) and by visiting the place I could see that it isn’t really finished, it’s still missing the shops and that final touch connecting the subway trains to it, in one of the busiest areas of the city .


But you can’t deny, the station is impressive both outside and inside.To me it has an unique identity, it’s modern, clean and practical,  characteristics of the area where it is located. And in the middle, the American flag stands out, breaking the whiteness from the station and reminding us of why it was built. We will never forget.
