NY & About in the media

NY & About in the media


Since I created the blog in 2012 I had some articles published about me and would love to share with you! Most of them are in Portuguese, sorry!


Article from Use Fashion Magazine.


My interview for Correio Popular: http://correio.rac.com.br/_conteudo/2013/06/especial/turismo/70075-brasileiras-que-imigraram-criam-blogs-para-compartilhar-suas-experiencias.html

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My interview for Guardando na Memóriahttp://www.guardandonamemoria.com/2015/04/morandolongedecasa-martha-sachser-do.html

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My interview for Brazilian Magazine.  http://www.brazilianmagazine.net/articles/view/534/8

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My interview for Monique Couto Bloghttp://www.moniquecoutoblog.com.br/2015/04/entrevista-martha-sachser.html

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My interview for Fotojornaliana! http://www.fotojornaliana.blogspot.com/2012/10/entrevista-com-fotografa-martha-souza.html 

My blog mentioned on A garota que colecionava sonhos!

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Entrevista para o blog Papo de Quinta! 


Entrevista para o Blog da Kah!

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