My favorite products from Ecco Bella (cruelty-free)!

My favorite products from Ecco Bella (cruelty-free)!


Some of you guys have been requesting my TOP 5 cruelty free make up and beauty products here on the blog and I hear ya, it’s just that it takes me sooooo long to sit down and organize my top top top ones and I wanna write a very detailed post, so please bear with me, it will be up asap, promise!! But for today’s post I decided to share one of the companies that will for sure make the (future) list: Ecco Bella!

Ecco Bella is a company founded in 1992 and is a pioneer in natural and organic beauty products, maintaining the highest standards and never testing on animals. Another thing that sets them apart is that Ecco Bella offers body care, makeup, skin care, hair care and even parfums! Yes! It’s like a one stop shop for everything beauty!


So I recently received a box filled with some of their most popular products and decided to share my favorites with you! And as a girly girl that I am, I couldn’t wait to try all the makeup items! Unfortunately I got the wrong shade for the foundation, but I’ll be using it mostly as a concealer for my *awesome* under eyes circles. The face powder is also so gently to the skin, it added this nice light touch. My color is the light one, which matched me perfectly, I know it can be hard sometimes to buy make up without trying it first, so I’m a happy girl!



The product I’ve been using the most is the night rebuilder cream. I always use a toner after washing my skin with a cleanser but I wasn’t sure what else to apply on my skin before bed, so this is a great option for all skin types!  I can’t tell I noticed a huge difference because I literally just started using it a week ago but I wake up with my face feeling smooth like never before.


And I couldn’t leave the  body lotion out of the list, it has this delicious lemon scent that I looove. It’s a bit strong at the beginning and reminds me of a key lime pie (It can be dangerous if you’re on a diet like me! haha) and leaves my skin smooth, super useful for NY’s extreme cold winter.


I hope this post is useful for you and if you wanna learn more about Ecco Bella make sure to check their website HERE and follow them on social media (Instagram and Facebookfor cool updates and products! And please don’t forget to follow me on instagram @marthasachser and @blognyandabout for more NYC tips adventures in the city!
