12 Surprise Engagement Proposals in New York City!

12 Surprise Engagement Proposals in New York City!

One of my favorite things to photograph here in New York is a surprise engagement proposal! All the adrenaline, the planning that happens before the big day and the wait for the “YES” is always something that motivates me to continue doing what I do as a photographer. So to spread the love I selected a few of those moments I was able to capture in New York in the past year to share with you! Hope 2016 brings many more! To see more of my photography work, my website is www.marthasachserphotography.com and my instagram is @marthasachserphotography or @marthasachser.



1- Ice skating rink at Rockefeller Center Plaza


Foto: Martha Sachser Photography

2- Bethesda Fountain in the winter


Foto: Martha Sachser Photography

3- Central Park and Manhattan in the background


Foto: Martha Sachser Photography

4- Bethesda Fountain in the summer


Foto: Martha Sachser Photography

5- Central Park in the winter


Foto: Martha Sachser Photography

6- The Mall in the summer


Foto: Martha Sachser Photography

7- Cherry Hill in Central Park


Foto: Martha Sachser Photography

8- In front of the romantic Bow Bridge in Central Park


Foto: Martha Sachser Photography

9- Ice skating rink at Rockefeller Center


Foto: Martha Sachser Photography

10- In front of the Gapstow Bridge


Foto: Martha Sachser Photography

11- On the iconic Bow Bridge


Foto: Martha Sachser Photography

12- Central Park and Manhattan in the background


Foto: Martha Sachser Photography

To see more of my photography work, my website is www.marthasachserphotography.com and my instagram is @marthasachserphotography or @marthasachser.