27 Dresses – The Movie Locations in New York
27 Dresses is one of my favorite romantic comedies of all times. I kow, I know, I might say that about all movies filmed in NYC, but this one, well, this one is just another one of them, that you can’t help it, but watch it and fal in love with it, of course. It is that movie to get the single girls together, get some popcorn, ice cream and have some fun! Besides, Katherine Heigl is the star, so, well, I don’t need more reasons to watch, do you?
So if you are a fan of the movie and happen to be in NYC, here are some locations you can explore from the movie and enhance your NYC experience! And If you want more NYC tips make sure to follow me on instagram @marthasachser and @blognyandabout! See you tomorrow!
Where? 25 Washington Street and Plymouth Street, Brooklyn
Where? Jane’s apartment(Katherine Heigl) 310 East 9th Street (btw 1st & 2nd Avenue) Manhattan
Where? Loeb Boathouse, Central Park, Manhattan
Where? Madison Avenue and East 50th Street, Manhattan
Vocês já assistiram? O que mais gostaram na história? Quem for conhecer as locações não deixem de marcar a Martha (@marthasacher) e “eu” (@karlaoliveirak) no instagram. Já estamos ansiosas com essa aventura para saber quem irá desbravar esses locais. A Martha já fotografou vários ensaios de casal e família no Central Park e nessa região.