Everything you need to know about Broadway tickets!

Everything you need to know about Broadway tickets!

Usually the words “what, where, how, when and how” are the first ones that come to people’s minds when they think about watching a Broadway show for the first time. And there are so many options that even though I live in NY,  I have my doubts on how to buy the best possible seat and  for the lowest price. So yes,  you need to search if you wanna grab a better deal when it comes to Broadway! So here are some tips for you to have a better and easier experience and for more tips about New York, my instagram is @marthasachser, my Snapchat is marthanewyork and my YouTube is this HERE!


Which show to watch?

In addition to the classic ones, every year new plays or musicals debut with short or long run on Broadway and some of them come with a “celebrity” protagonist. We’ve seen Daniel Radcliffe, Carly Rae Jepsen, Nick Jonas, Rupert Grint, Ricky Martin, Neil Patrick Harris and many others … It is worth taking a look at what will be playing when you’re in New York, the Playbill website is a great source of information for that. And don’t forget that after the shows you have the chance to meet the cast outside, right outisde the studio’s exit door.
Now, what shows to watch? An important point to consider is your english level. Some of the classic ones that I believe are your best bet  (because you can watch the movies before you go) are:  The Lion King, Aladdin, The Phantom of the Opera and Chicago. My all time favorite show is Wicked and I’m dying to see Finding Neverland! The other day I watched Bright Star and loved it, I shared more in this video HERE!

Where to buy tickets?

There are many sites to buy tickets but to buy in Portuguese, click HERE! Other than that, on the Playbill website you  will find all the information about each play/musical, price, days, times, duration of the season, cast, which shows have fixed discounts, etc, etc. Other sites to buy tickets to Broadway are:

WePlannTicketmasterTKTS , Broadway.com


Buying tickets at TKTS and other discounts available!

At the famous TKTS booth  you will find tickets with up to 50% discount for performances on the same day (they also sell tickets for other days, with no discount), but you can also get same day tickets online with discount by using Tix Today, and there is no waiting in line in the cold or heat, so I highly recommend it!

But you can also use other types of discount available for some Broadway shows: ticket rush, student ticket and lottery ticket! Click HERE to check the policies for each option! Also, you can try the ONLINE LOTTERY by clicking HERE! Way easier, right?! Have fun!

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