A hidden paradise in Salsalito!
Today I’m going to share a little bit more about our last trip to the West Coast, on a late afternoon in Bocce bar, one of the most beautiful places to enjoy the sun set in the region, which for me was indicated by a friend. I went with my mother and we ordered their famous sangria, I don’t drink alcohol, but my mom tasted and she enjoyed it. I ordered bread sticks and the house style pizza. But the icing on the cake are the amazing views and the peace I feel when I’m there! And to make things even more interesting, a bocce lane (bocce) and a few stools to sit almost on the edge of the water, which looks more like a small beach. The kids were having fun. I liked the ambiance so much and the food was pretty good, I really recommend it! The Bocce Bar is located at 1259 Bridgeway, Sausalito, CA! If you want to see more about my trips in the US and tips about NY, my instagram is @marthasachser and my Snapchat is @marthanewyork! See you tomorrow!